Selected Chenango County Deeds

Sylvanus and Mary D. MOORE to Daniel B. Smith - April 1854

    This Indenture made the first day of April in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight-hundred and fifty-four. Between Sylvanus MOORE and Mary D.
MOORE his wife of Smithville in the County of Chenango and State of New York
of the first part and Daniel B. SMITH of Oxford and County of Chenango and
State of New York of the second part. Witnesseth that - the said parties of
the first-part for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars
lawfull money of the United States of America to them in hand paid by the
party of the second part the receipt where of is hereby confessed and
acknowledged.....All that certain piece or parcel of land situated on the
EASTERLYside of WASHINGTON STREET in the village of OXFORD and County of
Chenango State of New York. Bounded as follows: Beginning at the NORTH
EASTERLY corner of a lot of land owned and now occupied by Leander H. KNAPP
on the WESTERLY side of the CHENANGO CANAL running thence in a WESTERLY
direction along the line of said KNAPPS land to the line of said WASHINGTON
STREET thence in a NORTHERLY direction along the line of said street four
rods to the stake and stone thence in an EASTERLY direction parallel with the
said first-mentioned line to the line of the said CANAL thence in a SOUTHERLY
direction along the line of the said CANAL as it winds and turns to the
place of beginning be the same more or less .X (as written).......
   Signed: Sylvanus Moore, Mary D. Moore
    William Pendleton, Justice of the Peace
    Horace Read, Clerk
Recorded: April 11, 1854..2 1/2 P.M. (as written)

Submitted by Anne Townsend - Apr, 1999

Chenango Co, NY

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